The Role of Gender Equality in Ensuring Economic Growth
The first premise of this equation is to define gender equality. Is its connotation in socio–economic terms very encompassing, or is gender equality just labor market parity? Studies suggest countries around the globe could raise their respective GDP levels if more women were given the chance to enter the labor market. This, however, will necessitate gender equality policy actions of one kind or another. Although the tools to be used may vary between the countries, there are certain common aspects that will be subject of discussion in the coming years. Gender equality is a multidimensional term assuming economic, cultural and social dimensions. I would always consider the discussion under three primary topics. The right to be educated is the most basic one. This right is a vital condition for labor market parity, but is not adequate by itself. If women or men are discriminated against in terms of access to education, then the human capital of our society will not be nurtured. The secon...